Primary Sources On This Website
- Bobali (9th century)
- Medieval Slavery in Zuwīla: Archaeological and Textual Sources (10th-11th century, 14th century)
- Kilwa: Slavery on the East African Coast (10th century, 14th century)
- Eunuchs in Ethiopia (14th century)
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- Dom Pedro de Sousa and the BaKongo People Meet Portugal (15th century)
Primary Sources Elsewhere
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- Corpus of Early Arabic Sources for West African History. Edited by Nehemia Levtzion and J.F.P. Hopkins. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. See especially al-Bakri (p.62-87) and Ibn Battuta (p.279-303).
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- Peabody, Sue, and Keila Grinberg, eds. Slavery, Freedom, and the Law in the Atlantic World: A Brief History with Documents. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s 2007. See especially doc. 1 (The Code Noir, 1685).
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Timothy Allen, Carolyn Arena, Hannah Barker, Richard Eaton, Ky Greene, Paul Lane, Stan Mirvis, Kimberly Peloquin, Craig Perry, Henriette Rødland, Don Wyatt
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